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Governance of Spatial Diversification of Port - MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Governance of Spatial Diversification of Port. Answer: Introduction: On September, 2017 there was a massive earthquake which struck in Mexico. The earthquake was very powerful and it killed many people and even destructed and collapsed the building. The epicenter which was measured was 7.1 magnitudes. Wednesday, the earthquake took place. The devastating earthquake killed many in Mexico City in 2017. The tectonic plates which was along the North American continent. Mexico is the Worlds most seismically active region, which have several tectonic plates along with the coast of Mexico. The activities along the coast of the Caribbean plates also generate seismic events. The city of Mexico is made up of soft soil and clay which increases the destruction the earthquake causes. This will increase the shockwave amplitude and cause violent shaking. Deeper and denser soil layers increase amplified shockwaves, more will be the destruction. The earth quake which struck the region killed almost many people (Witze,2017). The earthquake on 19th September killed almost 10000 people and devastated the whole land. Every year the national earthquake, drill is conducted by the Government through the public loudspeakers in the Mexico City. Thus this is one of the devastating earthquakes in the City of Mexico. The earth quake reported that there was strong shaking for about one minute and the alarm and the cell phone alerted before the earthquake started (Wade, 2017). Briefly evaluate the management of the event and its significance in human, social, political and economic terms Significance on Human Aspect There was many debris and collapses in the city of Mexico. During this event of disaster there were many rescuers such as the soldiers, the college students and the rescuers who were working to help to rescue the people who were trapped in this disaster. There were huge piles of rubble and many other buildings which were also destroyed. There was much debris which was spread throughout. There was damage of the church killing almost fifteen people. The rescuers continued to help the people who were trapped in the earthquake. The crews heard that the victims were calling out for help. About 32 building collapsed and 52 people were rescued alive, most of the people feared that they will be trapped inside the debris (Blaikie et al., 2014). Mexico is a very congested city, it is busy throughout but after such disaster the city was shattered, there were thousands of people who screamed across the roads. They were running away from the building so as to save them (Gulati, 2017). The public transport was temporarily shut down. There was power cut almost throughout the day. The earthquake having epicenter was located in 12kms from the Mexico City. The earthquake was strong. There was huge damage to the human, social and economic and political environment of the Country. Around forty four building collapsed in the city of Mexico, it trapped many people under the dust which caused economic and social loss and damage to the environment. In that particular day, the stock price in the Mexico Stock Exchange also declined (Lomnitz, 2017). The environmental aspects impact the disaster which demonstrates between social economic and environment aspect of sustainability. The management shall devise a plan which will help in preventing the disaster. It is a fundamental effort in reducing the vulnerability so as to systematically tackle the complex interaction between economic, environmental and social factors after the earthquake (Rodrguez-Pascua et al., 2017).Earthquake is not under the human control to measure its effect and to eliminate the natural disaster occurring from it. It is important to identifying the environmental aspects and the impacts that it is fundamental in the managing risks, and this should be the first step in a risk management (He Heki, 2017). Significance to Political Aspect The chaos which is created by the earthquakes and the natural disaster created criticism for those government performances that had to response in case of such a disaster in the Country. Response from the National emergency center for natural calamity came too late. A professor of the business school in the Adolfo Ibez University said that The way the crisis was managed was worse than what we should have anticipated. Even though no country is prepared to deal with the earthquake which was as high as eight in magnitude, one of the mistakes done by the Chile is that they were not prepared for such an enormous destruction that that an earthquake can bring and destroy the land (Prasad, 2017). The Government were not able to take proper steps therefore the structural damages of the Country was not extensive as the damage in Hait. There is no system for prevention against earthquakes or tsunamis. Role of OCHA in emergency United Nations operations following the earthquakein Mexico The State of Mexico was struck by the major earthquake were struck in September, in which many of the people were killed and some were injured and many buildings were destroyed, leaving almost a million people without immediate shelter. There were national response from several levels of the Government, the private sector and the civil society and people were overwhelmed by the circumstances (Toft Reynolds, 2016).The response was largely dominated by bilateral actions and by the actions of non-governmental organizations and the Red Cross Movement. In case of natural disaster, the United Nations played a very major role in this emergency situation. The team had a motivated and qualified team members but the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination system was not able to be particularly effective, even in the limited context of the United Nations response. During the subsequent phase, the team was small to provide fully effective coordination or assessment services. Where the UNDAC team did appear to have added some value to the emergency response effort was in strengthening the coordination capacity of the Indian authorities. The United Nations will not, in most cases, be the major player in natural disaster response. It does, however, have the legitimacy and the worldwide network needed to play a limited but effective role (Jennings, 2016). Identify the key issues of strategic significance to the country Australia In order to improve the condition of the natural disaster, the Government of Australia had decided that they will release the World Bank publication report so as to improve the assessment of the disaster and to strengthen the economy. As a policy advisor appointed by the Government in order to brief the events of earthquake that took place in Mexico, it is important to build the strategies so that they are able to protect the citizen of the country from suffering from natural calamity. It is important to form strategies, so that the risk is safeguarded and the citizens are protected from the impacts of the natural calamity. There has been no economy that has not suffered the affects of natural calamity such as earth quake or tsunamis. Mexico, is a country has five tectonic plates and therefore more prone to earthquakes in a year. The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean are more prone to the risk of hurricane (Wilmsmeier Monios, 2016). The natural disaster causes huge loss and damages and they affect the economy in a very significant way and thereby causing death and losses and thus the cost of recovery is very huge. These situations forced the government to take effort for reconstruction and so as to expand the Countrys infrastructure. Most of the countries have their disaster and risk surveillance team so that the Government can initiate a natural disaster relief fund from which the Government is able to help the people during natural calamity. Mexico has a fantastic database which is very impressive and it helps the Government for visualizing the risks potent in the Country and therefore offers financial help to the people of the Country. The database of the country maintains the data and the values so as to keep the track and the infrastructure helps the Government during the times of natural disaster (Imperiale Vanclay, 2016). The database is unique among all the Countries and the World Bank says that they have the capacity to quantify the exposures at a fiscal level so as to improve in the matters of public infrastructure. Strategies on improvement The country of Mexico is very susceptible to earthquake since it has a dried-up ancient lakebed and soft clay deposits which amplifies the creation of earthquake. They saw that the aftershock damage of the risk of earthquake is lower. This might act as a safeguard but it wound not help the people who are staying along the Ring of Fire. This is a region where the tectonic plates make the volcano and the earthquakes very prevalent (Whittaker, McLennan Handmer, 2015). In 2006, Mexico became the first sovereign country to issue a catastrophe bond for earthquake risks, which is a risk transfer instrument that shares the financial risk of a major earthquake with international markets (Kraemer et al., 2016). This is an initiative and strategic step to build a sage and risk free environment for the people of the country. The policy advisor is appointed by Government in Australia and they are to provide assistance and safeguard the life of the people of Mexico themselves during the times of crisis. Thus there are five ways to help the people of Mexico. The five different alternatives and recommendation which could be offered to the people of Mexico thereby offering assistance during the crisis in Mexico: This is a worldwide organization which helps in the donations to the people during the period of disaster. This is a organization which is formed to protect the human life during the natural calamity or during a period of natural crisis in the country. This is non Government organization which offers assistance during the time of natural crisis prevailing in the Country. Thus the Australian Government contributed fund to the society so that they are able to help the people in the time of disaster and crisis. The Australian Red cross unit maintained stocks of the critical disaster response equipment which included water filtration, shelter, hygiene and cooking kits for use during the time emergencies in case of natural calamity. This is another professional organization which is formed in Australia. It is a nonprofit organization which helps in the rescue of the people when there is natural calamity and disaster thus the people are able to take help and get the support. The donations is given to such people so that they can survive from the disaster which is caused in the Country (Ismail-Zadeh et al.,2014). This organization gave protection and assistance to various International disaster and they donate to the people and are appreciated for such a cause. The Amazon is also serving as an organization to help the people during disaster (Zafarani Liu, 2015). In the time of disaster, Amazon has created its own homepage placement and donated some fund to some of the corporation such as mercy Corps. The customers at Amazon have also contributed more than $30 lakhs for relief. Face book , Google and crowd funding The group is created by the face book. This is a fundraiser group or an online site and this supplies donation to those people who are affected in the natural calamity such as the earthquake, tsunamis, and the hurricanes or other natural disaster. Social media is also helping the people so that they can located and reconnect families. Google has also activated their people finderplatform where the people can share information so that they are able to locate their family member.(Glasscoe et al., 2015). The Government of Australia has appointed team of rescuers to help the city of Mexico during crisis. Thus those people are spreading the information so as to help the victims and locate free hospital and find apartments so that they can stay there during the period. All the rescuers are spreading public safety messages so as to remind the people of Mexico to keep the streets as car-free as possible for rescue vehicles to pass so as to help the victim. Many nonprofit organizations are formed to help in the monetary donation during relief from natural disaster. Organization such as Habitat for Humanity Australia and Save the Children Australia serve the people with clothes and the basic need such as food and water to help people survive. The big entrepreneurs from the country of Australia also fund the people so that the people are saved during the period of crisis. With the invention of internet all the people have donated in the sites of the NGO which are opened for the purposes of donation to those people. (Wilhite, Sivakumar Pulwarty,2014).. References Blaikie, P., Cannon, T., Davis, I., Wisner, B. (2014).At risk: natural hazards, people's vulnerability and disasters. Routledge. Glasscoe, M. T., Wang, J., Pierce, M. E., Yoder, M. R., Parker, J. W., Burl, M. C., ... Ma, Y. (2015). E-decider: Using earth science data and modeling tools to develop decision support for earthquake disaster response.Pure and Applied Geophysics,172(8), 2305-2324. Gulati, A. G. (2017). Mexico Earthquake-Lessons for Indian Authorities and Telecoms. He, L., Heki, K. (2017). Ionospheric anomalies immediately before Mw 7.0?8.0 earthquakes.Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. Imperiale, A. J., Vanclay, F. (2016). 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