Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Oscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray - 1544 Words

When it comes to being a celebrity I find that it is inevitable to avoid being a part of some sort of controversy. At the height of Oscar Wilde’s career is where he found himself in just that. Although Wilde’s novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray is praised today, in the late 1800s it was seen by others as a negative shift in society and literature. In the film â€Å"Wilde†, after the release of The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde’s wife Constance and his mother Jane have a conversation in regards to the novel that gives insight to how the public responded to it. In response to Jane, Constance says â€Å"People say it is full of dangerous paradoxes† (Wilde, 21:47). Within their conversation, Constance not only verbally says how others feel disdain†¦show more content†¦The novel mostly focuses on the benefits of aestheticism, down-playing the negatives like the lack of morality, until the end of the novel when Dorian is confronted by the paintin g which dramatically illustrates and exposes his corrupt soul and the darker side of pursuing a self-indulgent lifestyle. In the beginning of Henry’s persuasion of Dorian, Henry tells him â€Å"the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it† (Wilde, 23). This paradoxical quote is also a hedonistic principle in the idea of consequentialism (Peek, web). It is contradictory because if you give in to a temptation then you have gotten rid of it, but you have still given in to it. In order to fight temptations self-control, also known as the â€Å"moral muscle† comes into effect. Wilde’s quote through Lord Henry is telling Dorian to lose all self-control and give into temptation. Lord Henry insist Dorian return to the â€Å"Hellenic ideal,† where beauty reigned supreme. He then goes on to say the outcome of denial is only a stronger desire for what you are denying from yourself. We can infer that people with more restrictions will have more temp tations. Even if humans were all presented the same amount ofShow MoreRelatedOscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray Essay1517 Words   |  7 Pagesin connection with Dorian demonstrates how he tries to live surrounded by exquisite sensations. As Oscar Wilde once said, â€Å" Beauty is above genius, because it does not require understanding.† This shows that beauty is everything no matter who it s towards. Oscar Wilde was a well known author for his brilliant wit, his style in writing , and infamous imprisonment for homosexuality. He shows his great works in the novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, which is about how Dorian Gray meets Lord Henry WottonRead MoreOscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray1656 Words   |  7 Pagesstill embraced some radical views that today we would associate as prudishness and repression. In 1890, author Oscar Wilde wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray and submitted it to Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine. The magazine’s editor, J.M. Stod dert, immediately declined the novel and determined that it would offend the sensibilities of his readership (Wilde x). It was believed that Oscar Wilde’s book contained explicit sexual, especially homosexual, content which contradicted the time period of theRead MoreOscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray1040 Words   |  5 PagesCorruption can do many things. It can lead to unstable lifestyles, pollute minds and bring on the downfall of just about anything or anyone. One of the best examples would be from the story, Dorian gray by Oscar Wilde. This story showed a young Dorian living his innocent life, only to be surrounded and influenced by the corrupt society around him and would ultimately lead to his demise. It is not easy to define corruption as a whole. But to narrow it down, corruption is mainly associated with briberyRead MoreOscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray1049 Words   |  5 PagesKevin McElroyIn The Picture of Dorian Gray, the author Oscar Wilde relays the message to the reader that youth decays with age but value and beauty does not. The character Dorian Gray mourned his stage of youth through the portrait instead of having cherished the times he experienced. This use of symbolism through the portrait is Wilde s way of expressing this theme. This main symbol is the portrait itself as the author uses it to gradually reveal Dorian’s true identity. Dorian Gray is an attractiveRead MoreOscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray1644 Words   |  7 PagesLooking back on Oscar Wilde s life, there are many realizations that he struggled finding something that suited him best with his type of work. A man of the 19th century, who is best known for his only novella The Picture of Dorian Gray and his play The Importance of Being Earnest as well as his infamous arrest, imprisonment and being a gay author leading to his downfall. Oscar Wilde who was known as a playwright, author, sometime poet, and also a not very motivated school stude nt, still came toRead MoreOscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray2021 Words   |  9 PagesMcNeight English Lit II 3/1/15 Dorian Gray: A Battle With One’s Self Oscar Wilde’s â€Å"The Picture of Dorian Gray† is a story that focuses on the journey of an innocent and pure man, and his downward spiral of giving into temptation and committing crime, and living a life of pleasure. The story is centered around the idea of aestheticism. Everything is beautiful, the thought of something having any kind of â€Å"moral† meaning is just absurd. â€Å"The Picture of Dorian Gray† by Oscar Wilde both honors and condemnsRead MoreOscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray1998 Words   |  8 PagesRackshana Sithirasenan Mr. Cimetta ENG4U1-01 24 November 2014 Dorian’s Pursuit Towards Hedonism Dorian Gray once told Henry The soul . . . can be bought, and sold. It can be poisoned, or made perfect (Wilde 213). Likewise, it would not be beneficial for one to sacrifice their soul with an exception of exchanging it in order to attain perfection. Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray explores the themes and ideologies of Hedonism and Aestheticism. Hedonists believe that pleasure is the mostRead MoreOscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray1295 Words   |  6 Pages It is apparent that vanity, sin, and beauty are the key elements found in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. 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